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Reinforced Edge Support
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Variable Spring Support System
Variable Spring Support System

The 2-in-1 mattress designed for growing teens

Say hello to Flip, the clever little mattress designed for growing bodies, which is now the proud owner of the Good Housekeeping Institute endorsement and the Product of the Year award. Flip’s variable support spring system means it can provide unique support on both sides of the mattress, making it ideal for the changing height and weight of adolescents. The softer side offers body cushioning support for smaller/lighter bodies - typically pre-teen up to 15 years old or 55kg, while the firmer side offers enhanced support for bigger/heavier bodies - typically from 15 years old or over 55kg. Once your teen reaches 15 or 55kg, whichever comes first, simply ‘flip’ the mattress. What’s more, Flip also comes in a choice of sizes including single, small double and double.

Slumberland Flip Mattress

Our Accreditations

mgm award
gh award
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