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Sleep is Our Obsession

Sleep, we’re obsessed with it. Mattresses on the mind, beds on the brain, inspecting every feather, testing every spring. Crafting stitch after stitch to cozy perfection.

Matching you to the perfect mattress. Be you a back sleeper, side sleeper or curled up like a little kitten’ sleepers.

Filling our great value beds to the brim with the very best materials, because when we get the details just right, you have the perfect night

At Bensons for beds, we train all our staff to be experts in delivering great value beds and mattresses. QUALITY + PRICE + PEACE OF MIND = GREAT VALUE So, you can sleep easy knowing you got a great deal.


​The UK’s Bedtime Rituals
October 12, 2022-Sarah Harris

​The UK’s Bedtime Rituals

In This Article Loading... Does your bedtime routine consist of dozing off on the sofa to your favourite show? Or perhaps you take the time to properly wind down, maybe indulging in a night-time bubble bath with a cup of calming chamomile tea? We were curious about Brits and their bedtime routines. We want to know what most [...]
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Sleep Cultures Around The World
August 9, 2022-Rachel Marshall

Sleep Cultures Around The World

We feel like we’ve pretty much got our bedtime routine down in the UK. Spend time winding down, doing your teeth, skincare, and then it’s time to hop into bed and sleep soundly for eight [...]
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