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Duvet days: how do you spend yours?

Rhys EdmondsonRhys Edmondson
July 5, 2023

Whether it’s raining outside, the weather has turned a little cooler or you just need a little “me time”, a duvet day is never a bad idea.

Duvet days are a guilty pleasure we all like to indulge in once in a while. Wiling away the time in one way or another, a duvet day provides the perfect opportunity to reconnect with loved ones, spend time on self-love or just enjoy doing the things you love to do indoors.

But how do you spend yours? Reading, box-set binging and scrolling through social media are all popular duvet day pastimes. But what about an idea that’s a little more out of the box? We’ve done some thorough research to come up with some great ways to make the most of your next indulgent duvet day.

Scroll on to get some new ideas duvet days to come.

What are duvet days?

Traditionally, a duvet day is an employee perk. If written into your contract, you’ll have a formal allowance of time off allocated to duvet days. Duvet days are most commonly observed in the United Kingdom and the USA ( 1).

Duvet days differ from standard holiday allowance as there is usually no advance notice required. If you don’t want to go into work, whatever the reason may be, you’d be able use a duvet day. That said, duvet days isn’t a perk that’s offered by all employers UK-wide.

Informally, a duvet day is a day that you dedicate to relaxing in the comfort of your duvet. A duvet day is comparable to a PJs day in a lot of ways.

Top tips for enjoying your next duvet day

Two young sisters hiding under a striped duvet reading a book with a torch

1. Remember that duvet days are about relaxation

The key to the ideal duvet day is remembering the importance of relaxing. Take a little time out of your busy schedule to focus on doing the things that you love and recharge.

And so, if you’re planning a duvet day, the first thing you need to do is turn off your alarm!

Another thing that can help you get in that relaxed mood on a duvet day is meditation. Taking a few moments at the start of your day to find your inner zen will help you make the most of your down time ( 2).

Plus, you should remember that no matter what, never feel guilty for lazing around. The whole point of a duvet day is to chill and do literally nothing entirely guilt-free.

2. Prepare

Candlelight in general is a great way to relax. And scented candles can add an extra dimension to those relaxation vibes too. In anticipation of your next duvet day, why not pick up your favourite scented candle. That way, it’s ready to set the scene and help you drift away on a fragrance you adore to the world of blissful relaxation ( 3).

And as for attire, well comfort always wins on duvet days. So, ditch the skinny jeans, formal attire, and restrictive underwear in favour of your comfiest clothes. Duvet days are for your favourite onesie, an oversized tee, or your birthday suit if you so choose. There are no rules – just go with whatever makes you feel free and comfy.

3. Think about food

Duvet days are designed for self-indulgence. And so, throw the diet out the window! One day won’t hurt. Instead, stock up on all your favourite snacks be it chocolate, nuts, crisps, cakes, or sweeties – whatever your go-to snacks of choice may be – make sure you have them in abundance. Think treat-yourself over calorie counting.

And on duvet days, the kitchen is off limits for most! So, forget about slaving away over a hot stove to at dinner time. Reach for the takeaway menus instead! That said, if you do have a passion for getting creative in the kitchen but rarely find the time to experiment, feel free to dedicate as much or as little time as you like playing with flavours and ingredients. We just didn’t want you wasting your duvet day on mountains of washing up.

4. What’s your ideal duvet day entertainment?

Duvet days are all about embracing what makes you happy. And so, whether you fancy binging a boxset, have been trying to find the time to watch the latest rom-com or action movie, or prefer the peace and quiet offered by a good book, you do you.

Other ways to wile away duvet days include jigsaws, knitting, blogging or scrap booking. When coming up with the entertainment factor for your day of indulgence, think about what you really love to do. And then, do that ( 4)!

If you’re having a family duvet day or sharing your duvet day with your partner, why not collate a list of all the appropriate family films or binge-worthy boxsets you’ve been dying to watch. That way, you can make a joint decision on how to spend your down time.

And remember, if you have little ones joining you on your duvet day it pays to have a backup plan. Most kids get bored quite easily. So, we’d suggest rounding up a bunch of their favourite board games, books or even computer games to keep them busy. You can play with or alongside them. Or leave them to their own devices if you so wish – it’s your duvet day too after all.

5. Don’t be afraid to treat yourself to a nap

Duvet days are days where you can excuse yourself from all those chores that cram up your usual schedule guilt-free. And so, if you feel like a nap, go for it.

Pay no attention to the time, time is obsolete on duvet days. And if you choose to use your duvet day to catch up on your sleep, that’s completely up to you. Feel free to nap as much or as little as you like ( 5).

6. Reconnect

Whether you fancy a long and engrossing phone call with a friend or family member, or you’ve been missing out on family snuggles for far too long, duvet days provide the perfect opportunities to reconnect with those who are most important to you.

Reach out to people you haven’t had the opportunity to speak to in a while. Chat absolute rubbish with your bestie. Discuss bizarre would you rather…? scenarios with your children. However you choose to reconnect, make it worthwhile on duvet days ( 6).

7. Engage in some retail therapy or plan your next getaway

As we’ve repeated time and time again, duvet days are all about self-indulgence. So, why not take the opportunity to do some shopping? Whether it’s homewares or fashion, furniture or duvets themselves, use your duvet day to splurge a little on you (7).

And, while we’re at it, what about planning a holiday? With a day designated entirely to daydreaming, you could always seize the moment and transform those daydreams into a reality. Book that weekend away you've been pining after or find your perfect summer escape and give yourself something you can look forward to ( 8)!

Tips and tricks to help you get the most from your duvet day

And just to wrap up on the whole duvet day concept, we’ve got some tips and tricks up our sleeves to help you get everything you want from yours.

  • Consider a TV bed. Take it from us, TV beds offer the ultimate fusion of convenience and comfort when it comes to a duvet day. Plus, all of our TV beds come complete with a Smart TV free of charge. How’s that for value for money?
  • Review whether it’s time to replace your mattress. A truly comfortable mattress is the inside secret to a successful duvet day. If you’ve had yours for 8 or more years, or have noticed visible wear and tear when changing your sheets or have experienced invisible wear and tear that’s disrupting your sleep, you could be due for a new mattress. And with so many options on offer, you can enjoy being spoilt for choice at Bensons.
  • What about your duvet. Andif your duvet is a little on the lumpy side, you might want to consider replacing it ahead of your next duvet day! Explore anti-allergy duvets, all-season duvets and more.
  • And your pillows! Next, it’s time to address your pillows. The perfect pillow should offer support for your neck while providing the comfort you need after a long, hard day. Find your ideal duvet day fit in our current collection of pillows.
  • Set aside your worries. Finally, and probably most importantly, don’t get hung up on the negatives. A duvet day is supposed to leave you feeling happy and refreshed. It is not supposed to be spent fretting over everything and anything. So banish your worries and embrace the positives instead.


  1. What is a duvet day? (

Rhys Edmondson - Brand Marketing Executive