Fearless Fables: Sleeping Beauty and The Quest for Rest

As part of our Fearless Fables series, we’ve reimagined classic bedtime stories with a 21st Century twist. With the revelation that 47% of British adults are scared of the dark, we thought some courageous tales might help them overcome their nighttime jitters for a good night’s sleep.
In this Fearless Fable, we retell the story of Sleeping Beauty, except in this version, the insomniac princess longs for just one night of rest. However, what does it mean for her kingdom when she sleeps through not one, not two but 300 alarms?
Sleeping Beauty and The Quest for Rest
In a kingdom not so far away, nestled between the mountains and the sea, there lived a princess named Sleeping Beauty. Now, Sleeping Beauty had one tiny problem—she could never sleep. Between the demands of royal life, the constant flurry of social events, and her overbearing parents insisting she uphold a perfect image, sleep was the one luxury that remained elusive.
After a particularly gruelling week of sleepless nights spent tossing and turning, counting sheep, and scrolling through her endless social media feed, Sleeping Beauty decided enough was enough. “Just a quick power nap,” she told herself, eyeing the plush pillows on her massive four-poster bed. She set her alarm for ten minutes, promising herself she’d only rest her eyes for a moment.
But ten minutes turned into an hour, and that hour morphed into three. When the royal alarm finally sounded—one of those obnoxious, blaring alerts—she smacked the snooze button with such gusto that it echoed like a battle cry. A second alarm, then a third, all met the same fate. In a flurry of beeping and blaring, Sleeping Beauty rolled over, blissfully unaware of the chaos unfolding outside her chamber.
Meanwhile, the royal court was in a state of panic. The news spread like wildfire: Princess Sleeping Beauty had vanished into an eternal slumber! The queen, convinced a wicked curse had befallen her daughter, gathered the court to discuss how to break the spell. They summoned the best sorcerers and sages, all while the townspeople held vigils, lighting candles and reciting prayers for their beloved princess.
Amid the turmoil, a dashing young prince heard the news. As he galloped into the castle courtyard, he was met with throngs of concerned citizens and anxious advisors. “What’s happened?” he asked, breathless from his ride.
“The princess is asleep!” cried one nobleman, waving his arms dramatically. “And we fear she may never wake!”
“Let me see her!” the prince insisted, and they rushed him to her chamber.
Inside, he found Sleeping Beauty nestled among fluffy pillows, her hair cascading around her face, a peaceful expression adorning her features. He leaned closer, and his heart melted. She looked like a goddess in the golden light filtering through the curtains.
But as he shook her gently, she merely rolled over, mumbling something about “five more minutes.” The prince scratched his head, utterly confused. “Uh, Sleeping Beauty? Are you... okay?”
Sleeping Beauty opened one eye, her voice a raspy whisper. “Not now, prince. I’m finally getting some good rest.”
Realising the misunderstanding, the prince burst into laughter. “You’re not cursed! You were just really, really tired!”
As if on cue, the entire court burst through the door, a mix of relief and embarrassment washing over them. The queen blinked, and the advisors exchanged glances. “You mean to tell us... she was just sleeping?”
Sleeping Beauty yawned, stretching her arms above her head. “Yes! It’s called self-care, folks. You should try it sometime!”
As the court collectively exhaled, Sleeping Beauty smiled at them. “Prioritising rest doesn’t make me lazy. It makes me human.”
From that day forward, the kingdom learned a valuable lesson. They began to value sleep, and the royal court introduced mandatory nap hours. Even the prince found time to recharge, realising that sometimes, stepping away from the chaos was the best way to reclaim your sanity.
And Sleeping Beauty? She never missed a chance for a power nap again. Because in her heart, she knew that a little rest could turn even the most chaotic kingdom into a place of peace.
Your personal quest for rest
So what have we learned? We all need a good sleep! The modern world is full of distractions and disruptions, and we need to do everything possible to prioritise rest. The princess said it herself… “It’s called self-care. You should try it sometime!”
Do you want more Fearless Fables? Then check out Snow White and the Seven Burnouts or Cinderella and the Courage to Shine.
If you’re still struggling to sleep, head over to our Sleep Hub for expert tips and advice