How Often Should You Change Your Mattress

There are many times in our lives when swapping our old mattress for a new one will feel necessary. We might introduce a bed partner, or get rid of one; we might move houses; or our old mattress might just be looking and feeling a bit worse for wear. In these situations, there’s no doubt about it: it’s out with the old and in with the new!
However, you might be wondering if there’s a definitive length of time you can have a mattress before it needs replacing. How do we know it’s still doing its job properly? We’ll take you through the factors that can determine a mattress’s lifespan, so you can take your mattress’s life into your own hands.
The life span of mattresses
Sealy Bronte Posturepedic Bed Set
According to the Sleep Foundation, a standard mattress should last between 6-8 years before you need to replace it (1). But a mattress’s life span can depend on a number of factors – including how often it has been slept on, the kind of mattress it is, and whether it has been used with a mattress protector. It’s worth noting, however, that we offer a 10-year guarantee on many of our premium mattresses.
Mattresses can wear down gradually over the years, but they can also break suddenly towards the end of their lives. It’s good to have a sense of how long your mattress might last when you buy it, so you can plan ahead for when the time comes to replace it.
How to extend the life of your mattress
How long a mattress lasts can depend on how you use it, and how you take care of it. Most mattresses can’t be washed – but mattress protectors can be. Using a mattress protector can prevent moisture and bacteria from seeping into your mattress, keeping it fresh and clean for longer.
You should also make sure to rotate your mattress according to its specific recommendations. These recommendations can be found on the mattress label or in the care leaflets provided. Most mattresses usually need to be rotated every month for the first few months after purchase and ideally, weekly after this. If you don’t rotate your mattress, it can lose its shape much faster, as the weight of your body on one side or section can leave an indentation. Double sided mattresses will also need to be turned regularly.
How often should you replace your mattress, depending on the type?
As a rule of thumb, higher quality mattresses will generally last longer than those made from more inexpensive materials. It’s worth considering this when you buy a new mattress – as the more expensive option may not need to be replaced as regularly, helping you to save money in the long run.
How often should you get a new mattress for a child’s room?
Jay-Be Graffiti Art E-Sprung Mattress
From birth up until school age, children will typically need several different mattresses to support them at different life stages. However, our new dual support mattresses could negate this need as it adapts to their growth needs. Ideally, you should only need one mattress for your child’s cot years. Our cot mattresses are waterproof and come with washable covers, so while your child is still toilet training – an accident won’t mean you need a whole new mattress.
After your child leaves their cot –they will be ready for a toddler bed. Some toddler beds will work with a cot mattress – assuming that it is still firm enough and hasn’t suffered any damage. Make sure to check the measurements of the bed and mattress carefully, so that they’re a perfect fit.
A single mattress is ideal for a child who is ready for a bed of their own. After a few years of use, you may want to purchase a double mattress, to give them a bit of extra room as they approach their teenage years. Alternatively, stay with a single mattress that adapts to your child's needs as they grow. Our range of Jay-Be Dual Support mattresses is a great choice as they do precisely this.
Shop Jay-Be Dual Support Mattresses
Browse our range of mattress by size to find something that’s perfect for your child.
How often should mattresses be replaced if they’re not used every day?
If you have a spare mattress or guest mattress set up, you might be wondering how often it needs to be replaced. Even if a mattress isn’t being slept on every day, issues can still arise as it ages. There can be over 16 million bacteria in a seven-year-old mattress. As well as this, dust can settle in the mattress’s core. That’s not something to sneeze about – although it might make your sleepover guests sneeze! Make sure you replace your mattress before it gets to that.
Six Warning Signs Your Mattress Needs Replacing
If you love them, let them go. This goes for mattresses, as much as anything else. What about the mattress that’s been a constant in your life – the one you admittedly haven’t really thought about too much in the last few years? Sure, getting into bed doesn’t feel amazing, but the springs still seem to be springing… then again, was there a time lying down did feel really, really good? If you’re struggling to remember back to when you and your mattress were truly a perfect pair, or if you never really felt that way at all – these are sure signs that it’s time to start afresh. Here are a few more:
1. You’re waking up feeling achy
Feeling discombobulated, stiff, or sore in the morning may be due to a lack of support from your mattress. Most mattresses, as they age, will begin to soften, dip, or deflate. An unsupportive mattress can compromise your sleep position, and it may also mean your spine and pressure points are not being cushioned while you sleep. Make sure to rule this out if your sleep is feeling less than refreshing.
2. You and your partner are rolling together
A mattress that’s out of shape can lead you to roll into the centre of the mattress. If you’re waking up right in the centre of it – or rolling there as soon as you get into bed, your mattress won’t be providing you with a refreshing night’s sleep.
3. Your allergies are keeping you up
Some of the issues an aging mattress can cause are tricky to spot. But if you have recently started sneezing, itching, or coughing in bed – and it isn’t hay fever season – these may be symptoms of an old mattress. Mattresses can harbour dust mites and other allergens – so it’s important you replace yours every few years to keep things fresh. If allergies are a regular problem for you, you may also want to consider a hypoallergenic mattress.
4. It’s making noise
If you’re starting to hear a squeak every time you get into bed, and you’re sure it’s not a mouse problem – chances are, your mattress springs are telling you their time is up. As springs age they tend to make more noise. (4) This is a sure sign it’s time to get a new mattress.
5. It just isn’t comfortable
Arguably the most important one – if you’re not loving your sleep experience, then there’s something wrong! Getting into bed should always feel great. If it doesn’t, it’s time for a change!
Read More: Signs Your Mattress Needs Replacing
Buy your mattresses new and delivered to you
A great sleep doesn’t have to be a distant dream, and buying a new mattress never has to be a hassle. Not only can we deliver it for a fee, but we can help you with recycling your old one.
A mattress isn’t something you decide on overnight, although in one night you can certainly tell if it isn’t the right one for you. If it isn’t working out between you and your new mattress, you can exchange it within 40 nights– so you don’t have to lose sleep over your decision!
For further help and advice, simply drop into your local Bensons for Beds store, or give us a call on 0808 144 6160.