What Does Your Mum Really Want This Mother's Day?

If you aren’t presented with a bunch of daffs and a slice of burnt toast by the cutest little cooks in the world on Mother’s Day, is it really even Mother’s Day?
Mother’s Day looks different for everyone. And for many of us, there’s a real pressure to ensure that Mother's Day is a dream day where your mum (or yourself) feels truly appreciated.
Find out how to make sure it’s a day to remember for your mother, and how, if you’re a mum, you can achieve the day you deserve this Mother’s Day.
The history of Mother’s Day
Many people mistakenly believe Mother’s Day to be a custom adopted from America. However, Mother’s Day in America has nothing to do with the UK celebrations of the same name.(1)
Mother’s Day in America
Mother’s Day in the U.S. began when a woman named Anna Jarvis held a memorial service for her mother in May 1907. Others began to celebrate or commemorate their mothers and in 1914 President Woodrow Wilson made the day an official national holiday with Mother’s Day being celebrated on the second Sunday of May.
Mother’s Day in the UK
Mothering Sunday in the UK has some - let’s just say - controversial beginnings.
The custom of celebrating mothers began in the Middle Ages when children who worked away from the home returned to see their families.
Unbelievable to think of now, but children as young as 10 would often leave their homes to work away. And on the fourth Sunday of Lent, children working away were permitted to return home to their “mother” churches and their mothers for an annual visit.
As the date of Mother’s Day is dictated by the fourth Sunday in Lent (on which it falls), the date of the celebration differs from one year to the next.
In the UK, this tradition of celebrating your mum on a specific day on an annual basis became known as Mothering Sunday. Many churches still celebrate this day and children who attend are often given daffodils to present to their mothers as part of the church service.
What is mum’s dream Mother’s Day?
As we discuss in our article, Average Sleep Loss for New Parents, in the first year of their child’s life, parents lose a yawn-inducing 3 hours or more of sleep per night.
With this in mind, the perfect Mother’s Day gift could be easier to obtain than you think.
The gift of sleep on Mother’s Day
According to our recent Instagram poll*, 62% of mums would prefer an extra hour of sleep over chocolates and flowers this Mother’s Day.
A completely understandable 89% of mothers said they would take waking up relaxed and rested, over waking up excited on Mother’s Day.
If you’re the partner of a mother with a young child, give them the rest and relaxation they crave by making sure they have a lie-in this Mother’s Day. And don’t forget, the clocks spring forward this Mothering Sunday so a mere extra hour of rest for mum won’t cut it.
Turn mum’s room into a sanctuary
Make sure mum’s extended napping time is as comfortable as possible by turning her bedroom into her very own sanctuary. This doesn’t necessarily mean kitting out her room with all new bedroom furniture - although that would of course be lovely, it may be a bit hard to pull off unnoticed!
You could make things comfier by simply adding a mattress protector, fresh bedding, a brand new duvet, and a few new plump pillows to the bed. These practical Mother’s Day gifts can show your mum, or your partner, just how much you care. They could help to make sure she wakes feeling well-rested and ready to enjoy a day filled with other Mother’s Day treats.
Let someone else take care of the kids
Partners, occupy the children while mum rests, and get them involved in making a tasty breakfast for when she gets up.
If you’re a two mother household, or you’re a single mother celebrating Mother’s Day, make sure you get the rest you need by telling the kids of your plans for a lie-in (if they’re old enough to look after themselves of course).
Don’t feel guilty about making your intentions perfectly clear, even if that means hanging a DO NOT DISTURB sign on your bedroom door! In fact, give the kids something to do and ask them to make the sign while you catch up on a well-deserved rest.
If your child is too young to be left to their own devices, you could always ask a friend or relative to provide a few hours babysitting so you can enjoy your snooze undisturbed.
Avoid a disappointing Mother’s Day
Obviously, mothers should be revered all year round (hint, hint), but for many, expectations can build up about what the perfect Mother’s Day should be like.
When these expectations aren’t met, it can lead to a disappointing day all round.
Avoid feeling let down on Mother’s Day by taking matters into your own hands. If your children are too young to make a card for you, your partner isn’t one for taking a hint, or you’re a single mother who is unlikely to be celebrated in the way you would like, plan a day for yourself.
Over half of our poll participants said they’d prefer to be taken out for dinner than receive breakfast in bed on Mother’s Day. If it’s looking unlikely that this has already been arranged, book a table at your favourite restaurant rather than be disappointed when the evening comes.
If you want to enjoy the great outdoors this Mother’s Day, get the family together and organise a picnic in your perfect park or natural beauty spot. You can take time to relax in the fresh air as your children amuse themselves in nature’s playground.
Mother’s Day and bereavement
Public days of celebration such as Mother’s Day can be extremely difficult for those whose mothers are no longer alive. It can be hard to witness Mother’s Day celebrations by friends and family on social media. If you’d rather ignore the day altogether, stay away from social media for a day or two and take your mind off things with an unrelated activity.
You may find that you have friends and family members who are in the same situation. If it helps, discuss the day with them prior to Mother’s Day and decide if spending the day with them would help you through this difficult time.
Whether you choose to celebrate the life of your mother on this day, or decide it’s a day you want to avoid, preparation can be very helpful. There are several support groups out there for those who find days like these difficult, and the NHS can connect you with such groups and provide further help via their website .
(1) https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/17343360
* When asked, what would you prefer to have for Mother’s Day? Poll participants responded:
1.Flowers and chocolates 38% (56)
2.An extra hour of sleep 62% (93)
When asked, what would you prefer to do on Mother’s Day? Poll participants responded:
1.Stay in and chill 33% (54)
2.Go out for the day 67% (112)
When asked to choose between breakfast in bed and dining out for dinner, poll participants responded:
- Breakfast in bed 46% (84)
- Dining out for dinner 54% (97)
When asked, would you rather start mother’s day feeling relaxed and rested or excited? Poll participants responded:
- Relaxed and rested 89% (157)
- Excited 11% (20)