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Bedroom Design Articles

The Transformative Benefits of Adjustable Beds
December 5, 2023-Emma Carlton

The Transformative Benefits of Adjustable Beds

The adjustable bed has cemented itself as a staple for anyone looking to enhance their sleep experience. These innovative sleep solutions are becoming more and more popular amongst shoppers. If you’d like to customise your sleeping positions at the touch of a button, an adjustable bed could be just what you’re after. In this blog post, we shall take [...]
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Sleep Crystals: Do They Really Work?
July 6, 2023-Rachel Marshall

Sleep Crystals: Do They Really Work?

We look at the various benefits of using sleep crystals and salt lamps to aid sleep and whether they actually work. Many people claim that there are various benefits to using sleep crystals. So, while there isn’t currently any scientific evidence to support these claims, we thought it worthwhile to investigate further. From sleep crystals [...]
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Trending Bedroom Aesthetics
May 25, 2023-Rachel Marshall

Trending Bedroom Aesthetics

Spring can be the ideal time for a revamp of home decor. With this in mind, we’ve looked at some of the most popular bedroom trends to help provide some inspiration for turning your bedroom into your sanctuary. If you’re reading this, that means you’re one of the many in the UK who look [...]
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The Benefits of Adult Single Beds
November 9, 2022-Sarah Harris

The Benefits of Adult Single Beds

While you may initially baulk at the idea of adult single beds, this option could actually have many surprising benefits - for you and your partner. In our 2022  Instagram poll on adult single beds and sleeping alone, only 13% of participants said they would consider a single bed as their main bed. But will your opinion change once [...]
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