Benefits of Waterproof Mattress Protectors

Think waterproof mattress protectors and you probably think of potty training. After all, there’s nothing more valuable to the parent of a toddler who’s new to grown-up pants, than water resistant furniture protection.
A mattress, as we well know, is a significant investment for most people. It’s something the majority of us save for and put a lot of thought into. That’s why we at Bensons for Beds always recommend doing everything you can to extend the life of your mattress, keeping it clean and stain-free for a long life of hygienic and comfortable sleep.
So what are the benefits of waterproof mattress protectors? Are they worth the investment? Do we all need to add a protective sheet to our bedding stash?
What is a Waterproof Mattress Protector and Why Do I Need One?
Ok, we know you know what a waterproof mattress protector is – the clue’s right there in the name. But perhaps you’re less informed when it comes to what a mattress protector’s features are, other than, well, being waterproof. Let’s have a look at your options…
Different types of mattress protector
All mattress protectors are not made equal. Some will give you better protection than others. Some are more comfortable. Some will provide you with special benefits that are ideal for you. The three types you’re most likely to come across are:
- Basic mattress protector: a simple fabric fitted cover, a basic mattress protector is a thicker, slightly padded sheet that provides an extra layer of protection between you and your mattress. Usually relatively cheap, these mattress covers can help to minimise stains but won’t necessarily provide complete protection, especially from spills or leaks.
- Anti-allergy mattress protector: suffer with night time sniffles? Lots of people do. Dust and mites can be rife in your mattress, kicking off an allergic reaction in those who are particularly sensitive. An anti-allergy mattress protector, like this one from our dedicated Anti-Allergy range, is specially constructed and treated to minimise the chance of allergic reactions.
- Waterproof mattress protector: designed to repel water, keeping it away from your precious mattress, a waterproof mattress protector usually features a polypropylene (that’s plastic to you and I)backing, helping to stop spills getting through.
Who needs a waterproof mattress protector?
You might think of a waterproof mattress protector as an item specific to children or perhaps those who struggle with night sweats. However, the benefits of a waterproof mattress cover are so wide ranging that we’d recommend that everyone get involved. Read on for all the reasons why a mattress protector can really make your bed.
Waterproof Mattress Protectors to Keep Your Bed Like New
You know as well as we do just how important the perfect bed is. From helping to ease a bad back to giving you that much needed interruption-free snooze, we don’t think it’s hyperbole to say that finding the right bed really can change your life.
When you’ve found that ideal bed you’ll want to make it last as long as possible and one way to do that is with a waterproof mattress protector.
Mattress protectors protect from dust
Dust can be a mattress’s worst enemy. Not only can a build-up of dust exacerbate allergies and asthma, it’s also a great food source for dust mites.
Regularly vacuuming and cleaning your mattress can help fight off the worst of dust but just imagine the nooks and crannies that exist in amongst those springs and fillings– getting dust out isn’t easy once it’s already inside.
Putting an impermeable layer between your mattress and all that dusty debris will help keep things squeaky clean.
Mattress protectors protect from stains
We’ve all seen them. Horrible old mattresses stained a yucky yellow-brown. Unhygienic and a reminder of all those sweaty nights past … it’s enough to keep you up at night.
Keeping your mattress fresh and new-looking can be as simple as using a waterproof mattress cover. Usually washable and much cheaper to replace than a whole mattress, a protector will keep sweat, cosmetics and skin oils well away from your mattress’s surface.
Can’t resist the occasional breakfast in bed? Chow down to your heart’s content. That handy mattress protector can help keep spilt tea, accidental squirts of tomato ketchup and micro crumbs from spoiling your bed. Simply chuck those sheets and your mattress protector in the wash (check washing instructions first!) and you’ll have a fresh, food stain-free bed ready and waiting for you again at bedtime.
Mattress protectors protect from nasty whiffs
From sweat to spillages, anything moist that comes into contact with your bed can sink into the mattress and over time that’ll result in your beloved bed starting to smell pretty bad.
We all know how unpleasant the aroma of stale sweat can be. Now imagine that combined with the milky tea you spilt a few months back and that tell-tale musk of mildew.
Alright, so we’re probably being a little dramatic, but trust us when we say that an unprotected mattress will, in time, start to smell. And once that aroma’s settled in to those mattress fillings, no amount of Febreze or baking soda is going to banish it.
Don’t get us wrong, cleaning your mattress is entirely possible and we recommend doing it regularly, whether you use a mattress protector or not. However, a mattress is a deep and complex piece of furniture and it just isn’t possible to deep clean right down to the springs. So save yourself the elbow grease and disappointment. Put a mattress protector on there and keep slumbering fresh as a daisy.
Waterproof Mattress Protectors for your Health
It’s no exaggeration to say that a dirty or damp mattress could be damaging to your health. And when you consider how much of your life is spent in bed, the potential harm that could be done by an unhygienic mattress becomes clear.
There’s no way to completely avoid dust mites and damp, especially if you live in an older home, but there are actions you can take to make your living conditions a little bit healthier. Starting with your bed (1).
The damage caused by damp and mould
Not only do stained mattresses look unsightly, they can also begin to develop mould and mildew over time. From sweat to spillages, anything that’s moist can sink into the mattress and, if left unresolved, cause mould growth and mildew.
Bad news for everyone’s respiratory system, mould can cause infections, allergies and asthma. It can also make skincare conditions like eczema flare up and may even have a negative effect on the immune system(2).
With a waterproof mattress protector, any dampness, whatever its cause, can be kept away from your mattress so it can’t linger and provide the dream conditions for mould spores.
Protection from allergens
It’s not just mould that can cause problems for those of us prone to allergies. Dust and dust mites can really set off our sinuses too.
There are few places dust mites love more than a mattress for setting up home. Warm and cosy, full of delicious dead skin and all the other junk that makes up what we call dust, a mattress is a Beverly Hills mansion for the average mite.
As we already know, a waterproof mattress cover can keep dust out of your mattress, making it a much less appealing prospect for these allergy causing bugs. Not only does a protector help keep things from getting out, it can also help to keep existing bacteria, which can cause skin reactions, away from your delicate bod.
When a Waterproof Mattress Protector is a Must-Have
You’ve probably got the message by now: a high quality, washable and waterproof mattress protector, like this Teflon Supreme Care Mattress Protector is a good thing for every one of us and for the longevity of our beds.
If you taken steps to keep your mattress clean and fresh – regular vacuuming and airing it for starters – and you’re not prone to little accidents, night sweats or spillages, you might just get away without a mattress protector. However, for some people a waterproof mattress protector is an absolute must.
Waterproof mattress protectors for children’s beds
No matter the age of your kids, a mattress protector is a must-have. Not only will a waterproof cover help keep disasters to a minimum during the potty training years, it can also give you peace of mind as your child gets older.
Available in a wide range of sizes, from toddler bed appropriate covers to a single waterproof mattress protector for their first grown up bed, a protective cover will keep a new bed safe from much more than just accidental wees.
Kids, let’s face it, aren’t always the best at looking after their belongings. So don’t be surprised to see paint spills, felt tips marks, tipped over drinks and the dreaded slime seeping into their bedding at some point. A decent mattress cover with waterproof backing can help to keep the hurricane of damage caused by clumsy kiddos to a minimum.
Waterproof mattress covers when you’re living with pets
They’re cute and fluffy and you can’t resist snuggling up with them. You might have started your pet owning journey with good intentions to keep your dog or cat (or house rabbit, or guinea pig) off the bed but when they give you those big, sad eyes, it can be hard to say no to an evening cuddle.
If you share a bed with your pet, a waterproof mattress protector shouldn’t be skipped. Not only do all pets carry dirt and bacteria on their paws and fur, they can also harbour fleas, which can, like bed bugs, get deep into that mattress.
Pets can also suffer from anxiety, just like us humans. But unlike us, cats and dogs have a limited number of ways to express their unhappiness. One of their preferred ways to let you know things aren’t right? A little pee in the places that are most sacred to you and them.
Mattress protectors for rental properties and guest beds
If your bed is going to be slept in by a rotating cast of guests, giving them the clean, hygienic protection of a waterproof mattress cover is just good manners. That extra layer of washable, water-resistant sheeting will give a guest – whether it’s Auntie Jean or a holiday letting stranger – the comfort of knowing they’re protected from whatever lies beneath.
For you, the host with the most, the benefits are obvious. That mattress protector is keeping other people’s bad habits, like putting shoes or wet towels on the bed to skipping out on showers, from ruining the furniture you paid good money for.
Waterproof Mattress Protectors and More at Bensons for Beds
Nobody knows beds like we know beds. From lifetime investment mattresses that will change your sleeping comfort for good, to the pillows and duvets that give you that cosy feeling no matter the time of year, we’ve got the lot. We’ve also got a lot of very well-informed staff who really know their stuff when it comes to kitting out your bedroom.
Perhaps you’re looking to find out more about that waterproof mattress protector, double, single or king size. Maybe you need a little help choosing the right protective bedding for you and your family. Or maybe you’re completely starting from scratch with a whole new bed and mattress. Whatever your new (or old) bedroom needs, drop into one of our stores where our keen as beans team, bursting with good advice, is ready to guide you through your purchase, helping you to find your bed, your way ®.
Prefer to shop from the comfort of your own home? In addition to our great in-store range, we also have a selection of mattress protectors available to purchase online. And we won’t leave you hanging when it comes to all that Bensons for Beds knowledge. There’s plenty of advice on buying everything from beds to mattresses to bedding and furniture right here in our Sleep Hub.
Ready to shop? Visit your nearest store to walk away with a new, bed-friendly mattress protector today. Still have a few questions before you buy? Give us a call on 0808 144 6160 to chat with our friendly team and place your order.